Support my work: As you probably understand, a lot of time and effort was (and is) spent on developing and maintaining this project. Pci ethernet nic drivers realtek 8101l realtek fast ethernet adapter realtek rtl8139.

For realtek rtl8139 realtek mac realtek support realtek lan card drivers realtek. Realtek realtek 8139 realtek rtl8029 realtek ethernet realtek 8139 driver realtek. With the following command I forced a random chosen mac address. I had to download driver from here and install with./autorun.sh. I'd like to specially thank for his cooperation and invaluable help in alpha testing this (for several days, I would email him the driver, and he would reply with logs)! Over 80 members of the participated in 6 restricted beta cycles, testing it on several platforms, P55, H55, X58. RealtekRTL81xx.kext is the result of this work, and it fully supports the RTL8168/RTL8111 family of NICs. I didn't have access to a board with the 8111E I started this port based on Chuck Fry's 'Chucko R1000SL', and merging in support for new chips, from the Realtek Official Linux drivers (released August 31, 2010). Lack of documentation (Realtek provides it only under NDA). Porting a driver is never a trivial task, but this one brought two interesting challenges.

Lnx2Mac's Realtek RTL81xx Driver Project Page Overview: Due to the shortcomings of the current Realtek 81xx Hackintosh drivers (such as lack of or limited support of 8111E, 32/64-bit, sleep issues), I endeavored to port the Linux RTL81xx driver to Mac OS X. (Please remember to honor your company's IT policies before installing new software!). Please consider upgrading to Internet Explorer 8, 9, or 10, or trying another browser such as Firefox, Safari, or Google Chrome. VMware Communities will not function with this version of Internet Explorer. In order to provide the best platform for continued innovation, VMware Communities no longer supports Internet Explorer 7. Attention, Internet Explorer User Announcement: VMware Communities has discontinued support for Internet Explorer 7 and below.